Health and Wellness Workshops
An upcoming series of Wellness Workshops that the Shoebox Project will be offering starting in the fall. Please see attached flyer below for more information. SBP Supportive Workshops Announcement_8.5×11 (1)
An upcoming series of Wellness Workshops that the Shoebox Project will be offering starting in the fall. Please see attached flyer below for more information. SBP Supportive Workshops Announcement_8.5×11 (1)
Employment workshop Resume Building, Job search strategies, and LMI on July 23 online via zoom For more information, please see attached below. Resume Writing, job search strategies, and LMI workshop July 23
An upcoming workshop on mental health and wellness . This free interactive session will be facilitated by experts from Canadian Mental Health association (CMHA) Toronto. The newcomers will be able to understand and learn about Mental Health, Identifying protective mental health risk factors and power of language. Challenging stigma and barriers related to Mental […]
City of Toronto – Solid Waste Collection Operator and Heavy Equipment Operators Positions Positions Available Solid Waste Collection Operators Compressed work week DZ licence required Earn $31.24/hour Heavy Equipment Operators AZ licence required Earn $31.97/hour
A ManiPedi program prepares participants for paid or self-employment by gaining sector specific skills for manicure, pedicure and nail care, as well as workplace essentials skills. Qualified participants will receive the Manicure and Pedicure Training Certificate issued by a Ministry recognized private career college. The program will be delivered in English Language. Here are more highlights of the program: […]
We will be hosting a guest speaker, an entrepreneur, for a session with us on June 26, 2024, from 1:00 to 2:30 PM via Zoom. Please find attached the flyer for more information. Self-employment Workshop – June 2024
RECRUITMENT OFFICER INTERNATIONAL Posting Summary Access Full Position Posting Purpose: International Recruitment Officers play an important role in York University’s international recruitment activities through a variety of methods. This includes delivering recruitment presentations, researching, and contributing to the development of programs, strategies, and market research. International Recruitment Officer contributes to York’s goal of developing a […]
Specific Canadian Workplace Communication & Job Search Support for Newcomers CWCFlyer_2023-2
You will learn about: Canadian culture and geography Ontario geography, climate and demographics Healthcare, housing, transportation and education in Canada Services and resources available to newcomers INTRODUCTION TO CANADA February 21st – March 27th Every Wednesday | 1 – 2 PMIntro to Canada Workshop Series_Feb 2023 (final) (1)